We offer ongoing fixture adjustment, lamp changes, and refinement.
We specialize in difficult repairs, including the refinement and repair of Landscaper, irrigation company and electrician installed lighting .
We use only LightingShrink connectors (LightingShrink.com), which are known as one of the safest and most reliable anti-fire direct burial connections.
Just call the office and we'll get you scheduled for a one time visit... or get you on a schedule.
Solving the emerging problem of low voltage, Landscape & Garden lighting Connections from Melting and Burning.
Using LightingShrink Anti-Fire Lighting Connections and its Process-Patented System with the Field-Tested LightingShrink-Ratcheting Crimping Tool and Proven Heat Shrink solves the emerging problem of burning lighting connections with fast, consistent and permanent connections.
Jeremy Sviben positioning lighting in 1993...
Mr. William (Bill) Locklin 1921-2007
Founder of Nightscaping- Most consider Bill the Grandfather of Outdoor Low Voltage Landscape Lighting...
Bill started building fixtures for us in 1993 and continued until Nightscaping stop creating products in 2009.
Janet Lennox Moyer Gruel - Jan's books are considered the Bench Mark of reference for the outdoor lighting Arts
I participated in Jan's International landscape Lighting institutes "Intensive Course" In New York where we collaborated with Lighting professionals from all over the country to create mock ups and learn from each other under Jan's guidance.
IDA Award Botanical Lighting - Residential Outdoor Living Space.
Jeremy Sviben and Jay Chaikin from Restoration Wild and Abandoned.